product & web design
brand design

Verawall's innovative panels meet minimalist design

Client: Verawall
Year: 2023 - 2024
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Verawall website design showcase on macbook
Verawall, a newly established construction company, is revolutionizing wall decoration with their unique panels that mimic bricks, stones, concrete, and other decorative techniques. Their innovative panels offer the distinct advantage of easy DIY installation and are 100% waterproof, making them suitable for both exterior and interior use. Tasked with creating their visual identity, I designed a logo, simple brand guidelines, and collaterals, and developed a minimalist, user-friendly website that showcases their panel models in various colors and styles.
Verawall logo showcase

The main challenge was crafting a 'pseudo-shop' experience on the website.

To display Verawall's extensive range of wall panels, I designed a website that mimics the functionalities of an online shop—complete with product pages and filters—without the direct purchasing option. This approach encourages potential customers to contact Verawall directly, ensuring personalized guidance on the specific needs for their panel installations.

Verawall panels for interior and exteriorVerawall logo designVerawall ducktape designVerawall business cards designVerawall magazine designVerawall website design of the main pagesVerawall website design showcase on iMacVerawall website design showcase on IPhones
Working with Verawall was a journey in capturing the essence of minimalism and functionality in design. The final website not only highlights the versatility and innovation of Verawall's panels but also aligns with their desire for simplicity and elegance in visual identity. The logo, reminiscent of the panels' rectangular shapes, and the website's clean, navigable layout underscore the unique value proposition Verawall offers to the world of wall decoration.
Verawall website design showcase on macbook

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